When a couple in Ohio decides to end a marriage, the parties to that union may hope to start their lives over without any contact with their ex-spouses. This can be next to impossible if those parties share children. Child custody, visitation and child support may...
family law
When can you stop paying support to an ex-spouse?
Spousal support is an obligation created between two individuals pursuant to their divorce. In Ohio, an order or agreement for spousal support can be permanent or temporary. Depending on many factors that relate to the capacities of the parties to earn incomes and...
Child support is for more than a child’s basic needs
If parents in Ohio were to total up all of the costs that they must cover to provide their children with what they need, they may come up with a staggering figure. Aside from the food, shelter, clothing and warmth that the child needs to stay healthy, a parent may add...
Preserving family law fairness in the age of social media
Although Ohio residents still call up their friends to find out what is happening in their lives, many can quickly catch up on the big events happening in the lives of the people they love by signing into their social media accounts. Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and a...
Shutdown may impact parents’ ability to pay child support
Regardless of where a person lives in this country, they are likely aware that the federal government has been in a state of shutdown. This means that thousands of workers have been told not to come into work, and that thousands more are expected to do their jobs...
Decisions regarding spousal support depend on many factors
Ending a marriage can be a financially risky process, particularly for an Ohio resident who has depended on a spouse's income. In a divorce, a person may lose access to the financial support they enjoyed when they were married, may lose property that they shared...
What role could prenups play in a divorce?
Before they have even celebrated their wedding days, some Ohio couples have made plans for how they will manage their property in the event that they divorce. Prenuptial agreements, sometimes referred to as prenups, are contracts that parties may enter into before...
Do I have to go to court to set up a child support agreement?
It is not always the case that parents will need to establish a child support plan in conjunction with a divorce. In some cases, Ohio parents may be unmarried, and thus not need to legally divorce or even divide property. Moreover, they may agree to raise their child...
Helping clients fight for the spousal support they need
Not long ago, this family law blog posted an article on how individuals may seek to change the spousal support orders and agreements that govern their financial relationships with their former partners. It is generally the case that an Ohio couple will only be able to...
Can courts deviate from the child support guidelines?
The Ohio child support guidelines provide family law courts with a mathematical computation for determining how much money parents should be obligated to pay in support of their kids. Many factors are considered when a court begins to evaluate the application of the...