Making the decision to end a marriage can be difficult for an Ohio resident. They may spend time weighing their options and attempting to make the best possible decision for themselves and their family. However, if they get to the point where they are prepared to divorce, then they may not wish to dwell on other options any longer than they must.
However, under Ohio law courts may require individuals who want to divorce to work on their relationships a little longer before they are allowed to terminate them. After a party has filed for divorce a court may order the parties to go through a conciliation period to work on certain aspects of their marriage. The court can order the parties to seek counseling as a family or to work with community or health services providers. Courts can refer individuals to members of the clergy and periods of conciliation can last up to 90 days.
A conciliation period may not be ordered for a full 90 days, but this the maximum amount of time that one may last. During a period of conciliation any action on the parties’ pending divorce must be stayed. The court must also have time to review the outcome of any conciliation period reports before it decides on the outcome of a divorce filing.
Divorces can take different paths and for some people periods of conciliation may disrupt their expectations for ending their marriages. It is important that Ohio residents get help when they decide to file for divorce. Attorneys who work with family law clients can prepare them for these and other situations that may arise in their legal matters.