Taking a road trip, going camping or flying to a vacation destination is a part of many families’ summer traditions. When parents divorce, however, they may want to continue these traditions, albeit without their ex-spouse. However, parents in Ohio who are divorced generally cannot just take their children on an extended vacation without taking certain steps. If they do, they could find themselves in a courtroom being accused of child custody interference.
First, when executing a child custody and visitation schedule during the divorce process, put specific plans for taking vacations in the schedule. Parents might agree not to take the child to certain locations, such as abroad, or there may be limits on how long trips can last. In addition, many child custody agreements include notification requirements, so that a trip isn’t sprung on a parent last-minute. A detailed child custody and visitation schedule can allow both parents to reach an agreement on how vacations will work in the summer and the document, once signed off by a judge, can be legally enforceable.
If this is your second or subsequent summer after a divorce, and you already have a child custody and visitation agreement, review it before making vacation plans. This way, you can ensure you aren’t violating it. If you want to take your child on a trip that would otherwise violate the agreement, you can seek a modification that works both for you and your ex-spouse. This may involve some give and take on the part of both parents.
With careful planning and communication, divorced parents can have a fun summer with their children. Traditions do not need to fly out the window just because a divorce occurs. While these traditions may need to change somewhat to accommodate both parents’ circumstances, in general taking a vacation with your children post-divorce may still be a possibility.