You pay your child support on time with every paycheck you get. You follow the guidelines exactly as ordered so you do not get penalized and you avoid trouble with your ex-spouse. Your kids come first and the money you give supports and gives them stability.
However, the rules have changed. In March 2019, Ohio updated its child support guidelines from 25 years ago. What are the changes? Do they affect you?
The changes
There are several changes to child support, including these:
- There are updates to the economic tables. The update changes the formulas for calculating the payments based on the parent’s income.
- The law increases the income cap from $150,000 to $300,000 of combined annual gross income. The minimum monthly support increased from $50 to $80.
- There is now a cap on child care expenses determined by the number of children and their ages.
- The bill created a “self-sufficiency reserve.” This reserve lets those with lower income keep more of their money to help support themselves after they pay their child support.
- A standard income deduction treats each child equally, even if they are under different child support orders.
- It provides a 10% reduction in monthly support when the noncustodial parent has an agreement of 90 nights or more and is exercising that parenting time.
- There are limitations for the court to determine payments for those who report little to no income due to unemployment or disability.
- In the past, the custodial parent provided for a child’s health insurance. Now, the noncustodial parent can pay for the insurance if he or she wishes.
Recalculating and modifying child support
The Ohio Department of Job and Family Services updated its Child Support Guideline Manual to help you with calculating your child support payments. Because there are several changes to the child support guidelines, you may want to speak with an attorney to find out if you will need to file a Modification for Child Support.