In a matter of days, Ohio residents will be celebrating Thanksgiving with members of their families and friends who have become special to their lives. And just as the last plates of turkey are cleared from their tables, some individuals will head out into the cold to...
estate planning
Intestacy laws and their influence on estate distribution
One of the biggest advantages that a person can experience when they elect to create an estate plan is the power to decide where and to whom their assets will pass. An Ohio resident can exercise a great deal of influence in this respect and can, with a strong and...
What is a medical power of attorney?
A medical power of attorney, also called a health care power of attorney, is a special estate planning document. Through it, a person grants their named agent with the power to make medical decisions for them if the creator of the medical power of attorney is not able...
What can “duress” do to the validity of a will?
Creating a last will and testament is an important estate planning matter for a Dublin resident. Through a will, a person can leave their loved ones assets and property that are contained in their end-of-life estate. Without a will, a person's estate would be subject...
What are the differing types of power of attorney?
Many families do not realize that there are several differing types of power of attorney documents, and that they all have different purposes. While a general power of attorney can be prepared in estate planning, there are other circumstances that will need a more...
Estate planning: Medicare, Social Security, and Retirement
When the topic of estate planning arises in conversation, most couples automatically think only about physical assets, and who will get which of those. Rarely do things like Medicare, Social Security, or retirement come to mind until one begins the estate planning...
What is estate planning?
Estate planning is defined as "the act of preparing for the transfer of a person's wealth and assets after his or her death." It is a common misconception that only those with significant assets should consider estate planning. Instead, it is something which everyone...
Inheritance advances
A grandson borrows money from his grandmother. A daughter accepts a family heirloom necklace from her parents. A son receives his father's 1967 Mustang for his 16th birthday. All of them are advised, jokingly or otherwise, "This is coming out of your inheritance." Is...
Estate planning is an ever-evolving process
Some people in Ohio may have a will or a trust, or may even have a more comprehensive estate plan including a power of attorney and health care directive in place. While that is all well and good, these documents may not be of much use unless they are reviewed...
What formalities must be met when executing a will in Ohio?
When people in Ohio think about creating a will, they may think they can simply write something out on their own and be done with it. However, under Ohio Laws and Rules section 2107.03, there are certain formalities that must be met in order for a will in Ohio to be...