The terrible tale of the downfall of rising political star Anthony Weiner could prove to be a valuable lesson for those involved in a child custody battle in divorce court. Last week, former New York Congressman and New York City mayoral candidate Anthony Weiner pled guilty to transferring obscene materials to a minor. He will be sentenced to a prison term between 21 and 27 months. In addition, he will lose his smartphone and will be forced to register as a sex offender. But his future with his family might be most damning to him.
Immediately following his guilty plea, his wife, former top Hillary Clinton aide Huma Abedin filed for divorce. The two had been married for nearly six years and have a five-year-old son together. Top divorce lawyers were quick to speculate on how this ruling will affect Weiner down the line in court regarding his divorce.
The federal crime involves sexting an underage girl, in the presence of his son, as we learned in nationally broadcast news at the time. One lawyer said Weiner will have a difficult time getting visitation rights.
As we know, the courts focus on the best interests of the child, and a criminal background often plays a role in this decision. This is important for anyone on the verge or in the middle of a divorce with children, as it could serve as a reminder that the actions of a spouse and the potential for harm to a child may play a significant role in a child custody ruling in court.
Source: New York Daily News, “Anthony Weiner coming clean about sexting teen spells doom for child custody battle,” by Dale W. Eisenger, Nancy Dillon, Larry McShane, May 20, 2017